Return Policy

We want to deliver your goods to you as quickly as we possibly can

Please note that we are unable to process a refund or replacement unless we have the item back with us. In the event that the item is damaged/Used/Opened that it can not be returned to us, this will be decided for on a case-by-case basis.

Please note that you will be responsible for the cost of returning the goods to us. Please package the relevant item securely in at least the packaging it was received and send it to us so that we receive it within seven working days of the day after the date that the item was delivered to you.


Our guarantee means that if for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase, you can return it to us in its original condition within 3 days of the date you received the item, unopened with seals, packaging and shrink-wrap intact and we will issue a full refund or credit note to the value of the item. This means a visual inspection and not a product trial.

Claims for damaged goods must be notified within 12 hours of receipt, please inspect goods immediately. If packaging is visibly damaged the parcel should be refused as we reserve the right to deny liability.